How to crack any competitive exams? or What are the reasons of failure in IIT-JEE or other exams?

Factors that affects the aspirants from cracking any Competitive Exam. 

 NOTE: The following blog does not contain any extra information. Only that which is related to the topic is written here. So read each line carefully.

 1. What is the article about?

 The present article roughly, but fairly well, attempts to enlighten those youth who, in a general sense, are in dire need of guidance regarding their examinations.

 This includes:

 • Those students who have got no mentor to guide them, 

• Those who are pretty well aware of what books to read for what subjects, but are equally unaware of the methods to actually using them.

 • Those who have failed either once or constantly without knowing the reason or reasons we should say,

 • Those who find it unbearable to manage their daily chores and study together,

 • Those who have no idea, whatsoever, where to start from,

 • Those who are convinced they are doing everything in a proper way but to no avail.... 

Our dear readers, the list is long. In short, it covers namely all kinds of problems that can be expected in one's entire preparation. In other words, this blog is a general description of the principles that are applied in the preparation. Additionally, we want to make it clear in the beginning that by exams we mean all exams and not a specific one. Therefore, whatever you learn in here will be applicable to UPSC, JEE , NEET etc.

2. Why is there a need of this article now when a quite good amount of information related to this subject is available over the internet? 

 To be very honest, and without mentioning any extra information, it is truly an established fact that whatever information an aspirant needs regarding his examination, is pretty easily available over the internet. We admit this humbly; and we are also thankful to those people who has been of great help to provide the needed materials to students. Without such assistance, students would find it quite difficult to find anything related to their exams. They would have to go outside their house to acquire that information. So we are really thankful to them. It is, however, the inherent nature of this world that one man alone does not fulfil all the needs of a society. Different peoples time to time come forward to complete the works of the previous generation by building upon them. As Sir Isaac Newton said, 

        "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."

We have seen that despite a great amount of information available over the internet about the subject, a large portion of students are completly ignorant about the methods and skills that are compulsory to learn before they should actually prepare for the exams [this should not be taken as an absolute principle because some students learn them along the way while preparing. 

 Let us understand this through this example. Suppose you asked an expert teacher of JEE Main this question, "Sir, Could you please guide me or give me some tips for JEE this year"? He would probably reply this [and you will find this over the internet too while searching for the same question],"Be purposeful. Do hard work, and never allow yourself to feel lazy and use your time with a schedule, and know that without hard work there is no success. Remember my child that practicing the questions again and again will give a good grasp of the concepts. Start with xyz books and I am emphasizing this again and again that don't waste your time. At the end, try to solve as much questions and last year papers as possible. Also, give some time to yourself for relaxation. I can guide you to xyz teacher for this subject and you can come to me anytime you have any problem."

Write in the comments if you want to add something to this above statement.

To be very specific now, our blog does not deal with such advices. In other words, we do not specifically write about

 - what books to read,

 -what time table you should follow,

 -what is the syllabus, 

 -what are the changes in the syllabus this year,

 -how to score xyz marks,

 -how to solve particular questions, etc. 

Also read : Which are the best books for preparing IIT-JEE Mains & Advance? Learn More.

We are concerned with 

• the principles that operate these above mentioned issues, 

• the reasons for your failure in the exams,

• the methods to extract the information from books,

• the methods of revision,

• the methods of learning in the class in order to grasp most of what has been taught,

• the reasons you are lacking behind despite the fact you have all resources, 

• how to really manage the time,

• how to achieve effectiveness, 

• the method of prioritization

• how to select the books according to your level of preparation, etc... 

So once you learn these tools, also learn their applications and limitations, you can increase your chances of clearing any exam probably to more than 80 percent, if God wills. Let's then move to what we have been talking about this long time.

3. What is the way to success/preparation?

Before we go further, we want to make it clear here that by success and preparation, we mean success and preparation in examinations respectively. 

The best of creation said (may peace and blessings of God be upon him), "Remain Purposeful. Remain purposeful, [and as a result] you will reach."

 On examining the above statement we come to this conclusion. There are four elements to remaining purposeful. 

They are:

 I. The Purpose. 

II. The Intention.

 III. The Path.

 IV. The Approach. 

All attainments are a constitution of the above four essential elements. It is indispensable for anyone to tread the path we are discussing as of now without acquiring these tools. 

I. The Purpose 

The purpose of anything is the thing itself. 

 Let us give you an example. Suppose you want to climb the summit of the mount everest. Suppose you wish to eat a burger. In the first example, climbing the summit of the mount everest is the purpose of that thing. In the second one, eating the burger is your purpose. The reason for why you should do this is not mentioned.

 Comment below if we are wrong.

 In conclusion, the purpose tells you what you want to do.

 ▪ Types of Purpose

 • Definite.

 • Indefinite.

➢ A definite purpose tells you four things:

 • What do you want to do?

 • Why do you want to do it?

 • How will you do it?

 • How will you attain it?

➢ An Indefinite purpose tells you only half the truth of whatever you want to achieve. That is, It will not give you the definite and complete picture of what you want to achieve.

Examples make concept easy to understand [you have just learned a new principle]. Suppose you want to travel to Mumbai. Now, reaching Mumbai is your purpose. But you can never reach it irrespective of better you are at travelling, unless you do these things: choosing the path to reach there, selecting the tools to reach there, and some basic skills to know how to travel anywhere.

What should you do now? The obvious question is how to make an indefinite purpose definite? Well, that is covered by the remaining three elements mentioned above (i.e., intention, path, and approach.) 

II. The Intention

The Intention is what drives to action. The stronger the intention, the better. is the result.  

The place of intention is heart. We can also understand this as the reason of why we want to do something. If we take the above example of climbing the mount everest, the purpose is just to reach the summit but the reasons might be many for why you want to go there. Some people want to go there because they want fame. Some go because they want adventure. What would be your reason? Comment below.

 ▪ Types of Intention 

1. Sincere Intention. 

2. Insincere Intention.

➢ A sincere intention is the presence of only one resolve in one's heart. Need an example to understand? What would you have in your heart if you are chased by a lion? Obviously, only one thing in the mind and that is to save yourself from it. This pure resolve empty of all other resolves is the incere intention that drives you the act of running away from the lion.[Hope you understood. Comment below , if did not]. 

➢ An insincere intention is the opposite of it. We assume you all have understood it already after having understood the sincere intention.

 Now your intention needs to manifest in this physical world. This happens in the remaining two elements (i.e., the path, the approach). 

III. The Right Path

If we take the previous example of going to Mumbai, everyone of you must agree with us that no one can reach Mumbai via train (or any other means) going to Bangalore or any just before Mumbai. This is what most of students do when they prepare for exams. They buy the ticket for just before Mumbai. Don't worry at all. We used be to one of them.

 ▪ The four essentials characteristics of the right path.

 1. Clear Stages. 

 2. Mentorship.

 3. Consistency.

 4. Mastery. 

➢ A clear stage is to become aware of what you are studying currently and how does it relate to the next level or book you will study; also what are the limitations of the book you are currently studying. 

➢ Mentorship is the most important aspect in all your preparation. If you have a good mentor (that is why we are here) you need nothing else from outside to help. Trust us. Do you agree? Comment below with reason.

 ➢ Consistency is to do the preparation in a guided method.

 ➢ Mastery comes into play when you have all the stages cleared with conviction and accepted by your mentor (i.e., Us :-p). 

IV. The Approach 

This element contains three essential skills. If you do these 3 things unfailingly, you will have through understanding of the subject. 

They are:

 a. Prepare for the class.

 b. Attend Attentively. 

c. Review/ Revise in a guided manner. 


This is the path to clear to solidify your preparation for any exam. If you ever fail or lack somewhere in your preparation, then we advise you to map it out according to the path laid out for you above.

In a summary, the success in any examination depends upon these four essential elements joined together:

• The Purpose                                 

•The Intention.

• The Right Path.

• The Approach.

4. What we did not cover?

 We have given you a general structure of how to plan your preparation before you begin the journey and how to check your progress and to know whether you are doing your stuff effectively or not. Be cheerful and do comment how helpful it is. However, we have not included the following topics [they will be covered in future blogs, if God wills.]:

 • Signs of a definite and indefinite purpose, 

• Signs of a sincere and insincere intention,

 • How to strengthen your intention,

• How to prioritize,

 • The description of the stages in the approach section,

 • How to review,

 • How to prepare for the class, 

• How to choose a mentor.   

           - Mohammad Kamran Abdullah
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